November Newsletter

Posted by: | Posted on: November 10, 2014

Hope you enjoy our November Newsletter here is a sneak peak! The whole newsletter can be viewed under the “About our Shelter” tab above!


Holiday Promotions

 With the holidays just around the corner, the NAFC Animal Shelter’s Homes 4 the Holiday Programs are about to begin. We are currently looking for donations to help fund and support this campaign! The two largest portions of the current holiday campaign are our “12 Strays of Christmas” and our “Christmas in the Shelter is No Place to be”.


Preparing for the New Baby

Your four-legged sidekick has probably figured out that something’s up. Follow our countdown to D-day and the transition will come with fewer barks (oops, we mean bumps) in the road. For many couples, a dog is their first “baby.” And chances are, your hound knows he is! Your canine will still be a cherished part of the clan when your son or daughter arrives on the scene, but your routines will shift, and that can befuddle your furry friend.

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